pH and EC testers
Testers and tests for measuring the acidity (pH) of the soil, water, nutrient solution and the conductivity (EC) of water in the hydroponic methods of growing. Buffer solutions, solutions for cleaning and storing in the calibration of pH and EC testers.
Bluelab pH meter
Price: L14,950.00lek
Milwaukee pH controller with pump MC720
Price: L267.00lek
monitor Milwaukee pH MC110
Price: L23,309.00lek
Milwaukee EC monitor MC310
Price: L155.00lek
monitor Milwaukee pH MC110
Price: L18,122.00lek
Rapitest Meditor Universal - ph, light, moisture
Price: L2,000.00lek
Rapitest Dial Soil Thermometer
Price: L1,732.00lek
PH tester ADWA - AD 100
Price: L5,887.00lek
ADWA AD 204 EC tester
Price: L5,887.00lek
ADWA AD32 Waterproof EC tester
Price: L6,476.00lek
ADWA AD 11 Waterproof pH tester
Price: L6,476.00lek
Price: L6,559.00lek
BlueLab ph soil pen
Price: L20,715.00lek
Price: L3,820.00lek
Milwaukee Digital pH 600 Тester
Price: L4,464.00lek
Milwaukee EC CD611 meter
Price: L4,858.00lek
Milwaukee EC65/C66 meter
Price: L5,515.00lek
Milwaukee pH meter pH51/pH54
Price: L5,515.00lek
Milwaukee pH meter pH55
Price: L6,000.00lek
Milwaukee EC60 meter
Price: L7,444.00lek
Bluelab Peripod M4
Price: L168,200.00lek
Bluelab Pro Controller
Price: L138,000.00lek
Bluelab EC pen
Price: L12,829.00lek
Bluelab Multimedia Meter & Leap pH Probe
Price: L38,000.00lek
Bluelab Combo Meter - pH & EC Tester
Price: L36,500.00lek
Bluelab Pulse meter
Price: L37,800.00lek
BlueLab Guardian pH & EC combo
Price: L40,432.00lek
Calibrating solution pH 4 20ml
Price: L190.00lek
Calibrating solution pH 7 20ml
Price: L140.00lek
Calibrating solution EC 20ml
Price: L190.00lek
Calibration solution EC 12880 µS/cm 20ml
Price: L190.00lek
Essentials Buffer pH 4 250ml
Price: L520.00lek
Essentials Buffer pH 7 250ml
Price: L520.00lek
Watermaster ph probe cleaner 300ml
Price: L1,119.00lek
Watermaster ph probe refill & storage 300ml
Price: L1,175.00lek
GIB/Watermaster pH Buffer 4 300ml
Price: L1,185.00lek
GIB/Watermaster pH Buffer 7 300ml
Price: L1,185.00lek
GIB HCL- PRO 300ml
Price: L1,185.00lek
Bluelab pH 4.0 calibration solution 20ml
Price: L220.00lek
Bluelab pH 7.0 calibration solution 20ml
Price: L220.00lek
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