Hydroponic systems
The water culture method of hydroponics is the simplest to set up on a small scale. In this system the plant roots are totally immersed in a nutrient solution. The major disadvantages of this system are the large amount of water required per plant and the need to aerate the solution continuously.
Plant iT Spreader Mat 20cm x 25m
Price: L0.00lek
Lid for Plant !t bucket
Price: L197.00lek
Plant !t Bucket 20L
Price: L1,350.00lek
Cubo 19L hydro pot
Price: L1,134.00lek
Libra Tray Box
Price: L658.00lek
Price: L10,864.00lek
GHE WaterFarm
Price: L6,847.00lek
GHE AquaFarm
Price: L8,757.00lek
SATURN FLOOD & DRAIN 3 POTS - extencion kit
Price: L0.00lek
SATURN FLOOD & DRAIN 6 POTS - hydroponic system
Price: L59,982.00lek
Alien XL 4 POT RDWC - hydroponic system
Price: L77,220.00lek
Alien XL 6 POT RDWC - hydroponic system
Price: L93,842.00lek
Alien XL 8 POT RDWC - hydroponic system
Price: L111,962.00lek
Alien XL 9 POT RDWC - hydroponic system
Price: L125,148.00lek
Alien XL 12 POT RDWC - hydroponic system
Price: L139,928.00lek
Alien XL 16 POT RDWC - hydroponic system
Price: L161,328.00lek
Alien XL 24 POT RDWC - hydroponic system
Price: L205,805.00lek
Atami Wilma 4 V2 small
Price: L15,000.00lek
Atami Wilma 8
Price: L17,525.00lek
Atami Wilma 10
Price: L19,686.00lek
hydroponic system Wilma 16
Price: L31,690.00lek
Atami Wilma 20
Price: L33,000.00lek
RainForest 72
Price: L36,214.00lek
RainForest 2
Price: L31,934.00lek
Price: L44,445.00lek
Dutch Pot Hydro 1m2
Price: L43,523.00lek
Dutch Pot Hydro 2m2
Price: L74,931.00lek
Multi-Flow Flood & Drain System
Price: L138,259.00lek
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