Home Fertilizers GreenPlanet Nutrients Zyme Capsules 25 Caps - Blend of Enzymes and Biocatalysts

Zyme Capsules 25 Caps - Blend of Enzymes and Biocatalysts

Price: L5,201.00lek
  • Code:
  • Weight:
    0.100 Kgs


The enzymes in zyme have the ability to degrade and convert dead plant material such as discarded roots and other organic matter into usable and readily available nutrients that keep the plant strong and robust whilst reducing potential pathogens and growth retarding toxins. Zyme Capsules should be an integral component in every garden.  




Zyme by GreenPlanet Nutrinets can be used throughout the life of the plant weekly or every second week at a rate of 1 capsule per 40 litres of water. The enzyme in Zyme Capsules can break down organic matter over and over making them very efficient.

If you are reusing your growing substrate then incorporating Zyme is essential for preparing it for your next round of growing.




  • Total Nitrogen (N) - 0.15%
  • Ammoniacal Nitrogen - 0.14%
  • Nitrate Nitrogen - 0.01%
  • Available Phosphate (P2O5) - 0.15%
  • Soluble Potash (K2O) - 0.14%
  • NPK: 0.15-0.15-0.14


Derived from: Ammonium Nitrate, Calcium Nitrate, Monopotassium Phosphate, Monoammonium Phosphate.


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Zyme Capsules utilise an extensive blend of enzymes designed to break down carbohydrates, starches, proteins and even hydrogen peroxide that when incorporated into a regular routine will keep the root zone strong and pathogen-free. The enzyme blend speeds up natural processes that would take weeks or longer to occur allowing for optimum health and rapid growth.

Zyme Capsules work well for growers reusing their growing substrate as it breaks down the dead roots left behind after harvesting that would normally be a food source for pathogenic microbes and now produces a usable food source for your plants.

Healthy root zone is able to assimilate nutrients at an increased rate allowing for maximum yields. Zyme helps perfect the cycle of life.