Brand Description
GIB Industries is a large-scale company that includes irrigation products, testers, buffer solutions and controllers.
Irrigation kit complete
Price: L27,654.00lek
Watermaster ph probe cleaner 300ml
Price: L1,119.00lek
GIB HCL- PRO 300ml
Price: L1,185.00lek
GIB/Watermaster pH Buffer 7 300ml
Price: L1,185.00lek
GIB/Watermaster pH Buffer 4 300ml
Price: L1,185.00lek
GIB Industries Irrigation kit, professional
Price: L23,045.00lek
GIB Drip Feed Irrigation Kite for 40 plants
Price: L7,901.00lek
GIB Drip Feed Irrigation Kite for 20 plants
Price: L5,926.00lek
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