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Home Pest control Fungicides


Fungicides are chemical or biological agents to combat the causes of fungal plant diseases (mold, powdery mildew, rust, etc.).

fungi on plant leaves


HotBox sulfume - fungi and insects killer

Hotbox Sulfur burner / evaporator. Protects crops from fungal diseases. Also hinders the spread of pests in the greenhouse.


Usable at Meeldauw, Spint & Trips. No overheating, no damaging oxides, only sprays pure sulfur


Regulated element makes combustion impossible, no fire hazard Sprayer with the lowest power consumption on the market
Works with any power source from 110V to 250V, without loss of power
Sulfur in the breeding bag prevents damage to the crop by mildew and peach scrub or starry dew. This also prevents the spread of other fungal diseases because fungal spores do not spread in the sulfur atmosphere.

Other harmful parasites in the growth bag, such as spiders or trips, can be combated by sulfur evaporation.


When using a uniformly shaped tray that is accurately placed in the center of the Sulfume cylinder, distribution is provided by the natural draw. One Sulfume can treat 100m² of crop.
The standard aluminum lid is intended for sulfur. Due to the special design of the tray, the performance can not be guaranteed when using non-standard containers. The self-regulating heating plate is made of quality aluminum. This ensures long life, without risk of fracture due to rough use, condensation or spillage of sulfur.

Price: L13,054.00lek

Propolix 60 ml - естествен фунгицид от пчелен клей

Propolis is a product produced by bees; located at the entrance of the hive and used to seal all the cracks and prevent any parasite or disease from accessing the hive. 



Laboratory tests have proved its effectiveness by contrasting its bacteriostatic, bactericide and fungicide properties. 

Propolix from TRABE stimulates the biochemical processes thanks to its vitamin complex, groups B, C and E, which remains intact after its meticulous production process.

Propolix enhances the yield and stimulates the natural defences of the plant against diseases of fungal or bacterial origin. 

Propolix has proved its effectiveness against:


  • Powdery mildew
  • Fusarium
  • Botrytis
  • Alternaria



Composition of Propolix: 

  • Propolis is a top quality 100% organic product.
  • Action of Propolix from TRABE: 
  • It increases the natural defences of the plant and provides greater resistance against external attacks by phytopathogenic organisms.
  • Propolix is a natural tissue regenerator; its application is recommended after trimming the plant.
  • Propolix is a potent fungicide. It is recommended as a preventive treatment for both outdoor and indoor growing.
Price: L2,626.00lek
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Propolix 30 ml - естествен фунгицид от пчелен клей

Propolis is a product produced by bees; located at the entrance of the hive and used to seal all the cracks and prevent any parasite or disease from accessing the hive. 



Laboratory tests have proved its effectiveness by contrasting its bacteriostatic, bactericide and fungicide properties. 

Propolix from TRABE stimulates the biochemical processes thanks to its vitamin complex, groups B, C and E, which remains intact after its meticulous production process.

Propolix enhances the yield and stimulates the natural defences of the plant against diseases of fungal or bacterial origin. 

Propolix has proved its effectiveness against:


  • Powdery mildew
  • Fusarium
  • Botrytis
  • Alternaria



Composition of Propolix: 

  • Propolis is a top quality 100% organic product.
  • Action of Propolix from TRABE: 
  • It increases the natural defences of the plant and provides greater resistance against external attacks by phytopathogenic organisms.
  • Propolix is a natural tissue regenerator; its application is recommended after trimming the plant.
  • Propolix is a potent fungicide. It is recommended as a preventive treatment for both outdoor and indoor growing.
Price: L1,608.00lek

Protect Garden Schimmels 50ml fungicide

Concentrate against leaf fungus and diseases - Do your plants suffer from steroid dew or are your roses rusted?



Then this concentrate is ideal. The pesticide works against diseases in ornamental plants and must be repeated 2 to 3 times. After a while you will have a beautiful garden full of flowering plants again!

Protect Garden: the new name of Bayer Garden garden products
The popular Bayer Garden brand has undergone a name change and will continue from 2019 with its garden products as Protect Garden. The same trusted quality, but with a different look.

Easily get rid of leaf diseases

This plant care against leaf diseases and fungi is ideal for taking care of all your garden plants. The spray helps your plants from ster dew, mildew and rose rust and can also be used with box fungi. The product is good for 12.5 liters of liquid. Always read the instructions and the label carefully before use.

How do you use Rosacur as a plant care product?
As soon as you see that your plants are affected, it is advisable to use this product. For this, mix the indicated amount with water in a pressure syringe. You must then repeat the treatment 2 to 3 times with 7 or 14 days in between each time. For fast growing plants where leaf disease is advanced, you must repeat the treatment after 7 days. For slow-growing plants where the disease is not yet very serious, you can repeat the treatment after 14 days. Do not repeat the treatment more than 3 times.



  • Plant care against leaf diseases and fungi
  • Ideal for roses
  • Contains 50 milliliters of product, which is good for 12.5 liters of liquid
  • Active substance: Tebuconazole 45.9 g / l
  • Approval number: 12728 N
  • Keep out of reach of children and pets
  • Not suitable for human and animal consumption
Price: L50.00lek

A.R.T.S. Root rot (Wortelrot) 250ml

Organic treatment and control of  Bud Rot, Mildew and Rust in pot plants & Hydroponics


A professional biological product from Liechtenstein from root with the active ingredient Fosphite (elictor). The active substance suppresses soil fungi by its unique mechanism of action. Several studies have also shown that ARTS From root is very effective in preventing and combating soil fungi Pythium and Phytophthora. DOCTOR from root is not phytotoxisch (toxic to the plant).

Price: L5,545.00lek

A.R.T.S. Fungus Free

Organic treatment and control of  Bud Rot, Mildew and Rust in pot plants & Hydroponics


A.R.T.S. Fungus Free is a professional biological spray from the Netherlands for preventing and controlling BUD ROT, RUST and MILDEW.Bud Rot Mildew and Rust Control SprayFUNGUS FREE is a spray that contains a balanced combination of herbs, seaweeds, fulvic acids, silicon, microbes, fungi and other beneficial ingredients that increase the resistance of the plant.


Timely preventive use of this product and by repeating regularly prevents problems with growth and fungal diseases.


FUNGUS FREE is successfully applied to cut flowers, pot plants, fruits and vegetables in the practice of professional horticultural.FUNGUS FREE is safe to use and has no adverse effect on natural insects, such as bees, bumble bees and warm-blooded animals.


Price: L5,853.00lek

Muskaria 60ml

Muskaria Agrobacteria is a polyvalent organic fungicide, which is struggling with several fungal diseases, including powdery mildew and rust.



Muskaria is made from raw materials of natural origin that are environmentally friendly, so it can be used in ecological and organic crops without problems.


Its beneficial effects arise directly from its formulation based on trace elements in a complex with organic acids and amino acids from vegetable, organic origin. Improves metabolic processes of the plant, which contributes significantly to the rapid recovery after fungal attack. Not only plant leaves and regain your health much faster, but with the proper use of this product, you will see increased vegetative growth and increased resistance against new attacks!



- Nitrogen (N): 0,8%

- Manganese (Mn) *: 1,3%
- Zinc (Zn) *: 0.5%
- Bor *: 0.25%


Price: L983.00lek

Bactochemp 50ml

Bactohemp fertilizer for growing hemp


RAPID DEVELOPMENT, GROWTH AND EXPLOSIVES BLOOM with a single application. Becomes insoluble soluble fertilizers. Protects against fungi. Avoid stress in transplants and deficiency states. With a single container can be up to 80 plants.

Price: L2,295.00lek

Cola de caballo 450g

Basically recognized for their fungicidal properties and completely effective organic origin.



The effectiveness of these properties come from a saponin toxic to fungi called equisetonin and silísico acid, existing in the plant Equisetum arvense L. or commonly called horsetail.

Much of its components make the ponytail in one of the most effective fungicides used in organic farming, to even, according to some studies, are also recognized, some insecticide-acaricide action against spider mites and aphids.



Foliar: Prepare a solution with a proportion of 125 g of COLA DE CABALLO® per 0.5 liters of water and let it marinate for 24 hours; It must be removed vigorously for 15 minutes at the beginning and end of that period. The resulting solution will dissolve at a rate of 0.5 liters of mash for every 20 liters of water.


Free of toxicity.

allowed for organic farming product.

Price: L2,298.00lek

ProNeem 450ml

Proneem® Flour is a product based on neem flour for the control of soil parasites such as nematodes, worms and soil larvae.



It also controls pests in the aerial part since, due to its systemic properties, Proneem is absorbed by the root and distributed by vascular tissues.



1. Application in irrigation water:

1 g PRONEEM® / liter of water.
2. Mixed in the substrate:

2-4 g PRONEEM® / liter of soil.
3. Foliar Application:

4-5 g PRONEEM® / per liter of water.

Price: L1,641.00lek

NeemAzal 250ml bio insecticide

Neemazal is the revised version of the famous Ain Grow or Ain.


Unlike other trademarks that work with Neem oil, Neemazal is a pure extract with a high concentration of azaridahyd, in addition to melanitriol, nymph and salanin. The technology used in the manufacture of this insecticide, the extraction technique is performed is clear and does not generate waste in the environment nor leaves unwanted residues in the final product.


The active ingredients of Neemazal induce eating disorders and interfere with the insect hormone cycle, causing malformations in the process of soaking, preventing its normal development.


Neemazal has antifungal properties: it works against the most common pathogenic species, limiting their growth so that Neemazal can prevent future manifestations of disease.




Afidias, white fly, volatile breeds, mites, red spiders, nematodes, skins, thrips, etc. In general, any kind of crop in which plant health problems are represented by phytopathogenic organisms and you want to fight a product without risks to human health and the environment.

Price: L4,891.00lek

NeemAzal 30ml bio insecticide

Neemazal is the revised version of the famous Ain Grow or Ain.


Unlike other trademarks that work with Neem oil, Neemazal is a pure extract with a high concentration of azaridahyd, in addition to melanitriol, nymph and salanin. The technology used in the manufacture of this insecticide, the extraction technique is performed is clear and does not generate waste in the environment nor leaves unwanted residues in the final product.


The active ingredients of Neemazal induce eating disorders and interfere with the insect hormone cycle, causing malformations in the process of soaking, preventing its normal development.


Neemazal has antifungal properties: it works against the most common pathogenic species, limiting their growth so that Neemazal can prevent future manifestations of disease.




Afidias, white fly, volatile breeds, mites, red spiders, nematodes, skins, thrips, etc. In general, any kind of crop in which plant health problems are represented by phytopathogenic organisms and you want to fight a product without risks to human health and the environment.

Price: L1,936.00lek

Protect Home Insecticida Total 150ml

Protect Home SBM Total Discharge Insecticide


The famous Bayer brand created an environmental insecticide called solfac automatic forte with total discharge and SBM has taken the lead to present the Protect Home SBM Total Discharge Insecticide.




Total discharge fogging insecticide for disinsection and insect control in houses, garages, storage rooms and areas with difficult access.




  • Control of insect pests in a simple and comfortable way.
  • Ideal for eliminating insects in places with difficult access.
  • High persistence and duration of the anti-insect effect.
  • Broad spectrum of insecticidal action against crawling and flying insects.
  • Odorless insecticide that does not cause stains.
  • With each boat you can disinsect a maximum of 100 m³ and eliminate crawlers and fliers.
  • Substitute for Bayer Solfac Automatic Forte.
  • Licensed for general public use.



Before applying SBM Protect Home Total it is recommended to read the instructions in detail. Spray application by means of a total discharge valve in private garages, storage rooms and rooms little frequented by people and pets. Let it act and ventilate before entering. Do not use metering valves that allow periodic spraying over time.




Permethrin 0.25%, Peitter Extract 0.10%, excipients, aliphatic solvents and propellant q.s.p 100%.

Price: L1,075.00lek

Spray&Grow Mildew protection 500ml




Mildew Protection Spray by Spray & Grow is a natural way to fight fungus like Mildew. A combination of various plant extracts, silicon and spore elements protect your plants against fungi.


Spray & Grow Mildew Protection Spray is a foliar fertilizer what helps your plants recover from pests quicker. 
Mildew Plant Protection Spray helps you keep your plants healthy, green and pest free, allowing your plants to grow and bloom luxuriously.



How does it work?
Mildew Protection Spray is composed of various plant extracts, silicon and spore elements. These agents are very effective against fungi and Mildew in perticular. The addition of foliar fertilizer also provides an extra boost to the plant so that it is less affected by stagnation or lack of growth.



Price: L4,598.00lek

Propolix 30 ml - естествен фунгицид от пчелен клей

Propolis is a product produced by bees; located at the entrance of the hive and used to seal all the cracks and prevent any parasite or disease from accessing the hive. 



Laboratory tests have proved its effectiveness by contrasting its bacteriostatic, bactericide and fungicide properties. 

Propolix from TRABE stimulates the biochemical processes thanks to its vitamin complex, groups B, C and E, which remains intact after its meticulous production process.

Propolix enhances the yield and stimulates the natural defences of the plant against diseases of fungal or bacterial origin. 

Propolix has proved its effectiveness against:


  • Powdery mildew
  • Fusarium
  • Botrytis
  • Alternaria



Composition of Propolix: 

  • Propolis is a top quality 100% organic product.
  • Action of Propolix from TRABE: 
  • It increases the natural defences of the plant and provides greater resistance against external attacks by phytopathogenic organisms.
  • Propolix is a natural tissue regenerator; its application is recommended after trimming the plant.
  • Propolix is a potent fungicide. It is recommended as a preventive treatment for both outdoor and indoor growing.
Price: L5,581.00lek

Rogis Wonderspray 100ml

This mix of substances from different natural oils significantly reduces the appetite and reproductive functions of insects (they do not eat more than the treated plants) and prevents the development of larvae.



Natural substances such as Azadirachtin, Salannin and Meliantriol have a repellent effect on insects and all fungal diseases. This natural insecticide is completely safe for humans, useful insects (bees, ladybirds, etc.) and other animals. The visible effect takes a few days to several weeks, but all the time insects will not harm your plants anymore.


Spray with a thin layer by trying to prevent the colors / fruits from spraying. The vitamins and trace elements in the preparation provide extra nutrition to your plants and protect the leaves.


Price: L4,591.00lek

Rogis Wonderspray 250ml

This mix of substances from different natural oils significantly reduces the appetite and reproductive functions of insects (they do not eat more than the treated plants) and prevents the development of larvae.



Natural substances such as Azadirachtin, Salannin and Meliantriol have a repellent effect on insects and all fungal diseases. This natural insecticide is completely safe for humans, useful insects (bees, ladybirds, etc.) and other animals. The visible effect takes a few days to several weeks, but all the time insects will not harm your plants anymore.


Spray with a thin layer by trying to prevent the colors / fruits from spraying. The vitamins and trace elements in the preparation provide extra nutrition to your plants and protect the leaves.


Price: L6,035.00lek

Rogis Wonderspray 500ml

This mix of substances from different natural oils significantly reduces the appetite and reproductive functions of insects (they do not eat more than the treated plants) and prevents the development of larvae.



Natural substances such as Azadirachtin, Salannin and Meliantriol have a repellent effect on insects and all fungal diseases. This natural insecticide is completely safe for humans, useful insects (bees, ladybirds, etc.) and other animals. The visible effect takes a few days to several weeks, but all the time insects will not harm your plants anymore.


Spray with a thin layer by trying to prevent the colors / fruits from spraying. The vitamins and trace elements in the preparation provide extra nutrition to your plants and protect the leaves.


Price: L9,183.00lek

Ed Rosenthal’s Zero Tolerance 500ml

Ed Rosenthal’s Zero Tolerance stops plant pests in their tracks!



This 100% herbal pesticide is made from the highest quality oils of cinnamon, rosemary, thyme and clove. Not only kills existing pest infestations fast, it repels against new attacks too! OMRI Listed for use in organic production.


Made from pure food grade ingredients that smell great (no chemy odors) Zero Tolerance is very effective against spider mites, thrips, aphids, fungus gnats and more. Completely plant, people and pet friendly and environmentally-safe so you can use it without worry — indoors or out!


Available in ready-to-use bottles or as a concentrate — 32 oz. concentrate (shown) makes 5 gallons of spray. Can be applied on fruits and vegetables up to 5 days before harvest.


Price: L9,183.00lek
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